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Meet The Crew

Scarlett Zajac

At Dark Echo Productions, LLC, we are proud to have Scarlett Zajac as our Director of Photography. Her natural talent and passion for storytelling have enabled her to develop a unique style that showcases her ability to capture life's most beautiful moments through the lens of a camera. Scarlett's attention to detail and trained eye ensure that every shot is perfectly composed, capturing the essence of your project in the most engaging way possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can bring your story to life.

Tammy Lee

Dark Echo Productions is dedicated to creating high-quality content with seamless production experiences. As the Assistant Director, Tammy Lee ensures that every aspect of the production process is expertly organized and runs smoothly on set. Her stringent attention to detail and unwavering work ethic make her a valuable asset to our team, delivering projects on time and on budget. As Sound Mixer, Tammy is continually honing her craft, using her passion for sound to push the boundaries of excellence in film production.

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